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Past Work

A girl in a green vest holding a garbage bag.
Two women laughing in a kitchen.
A man and his son riding a bike in the backyard.
A man and a girl with paint on their hands.
Explore some of Rippel’s past initiatives that have engaged and inspired thousands of partners across the nation from diverse sectors and regions.
A girl in a green vest holding a garbage bag.
Two women laughing in a kitchen.
A man and his son riding a bike in the backyard.
A man and a girl with paint on their hands.

ReThink Health Reports: Shared Stewardship in Health Systems, Regions, and the Nation

Three separate but related projects explored new ways of addressing population health and well-being by helping hospital systems reimagine their role as stewards of health and well-being, examining regional investment priorities, and promoting stewardship practices and principles.

Hospital Systems in Transition

Discovering strategies for helping hospitals transition into their emerging role as regional stewards of health and well-being.

Portfolio Design for Healthier Regions

Exploring how community stewards can work together and reallocate resources to improve the health and well-being of their regions.

Amplifying Stewardship Together

Examining what it takes to be a steward in today’s world, and how we can amplify the conditions that encourage more people to embrace shared stewardship as the means to help communities thrive.
A logo for a company with a green, blue, and orange color.

A partnership of 17 philanthropies from across the U.S., FORESIGHT brought together the voices of thousands of community residents to co-design paths and partnerships to a better future.



Ventures brought together some of the nation’s most innovative multi-sector partnerships to test real-world solutions to the challenges facing our health system.

Explore Ventures