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Stewards Rising

Answering the Call for Change

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Thousands of stewards across the U.S. are working to create lasting change in their communities—a sign of the growing movement to thrive together. Each steward has a story about the experiences and moments that drove them to take action. Stewards Rising is a storytelling platform centering and celebrating the journeys of stewards from all walks of life and the impact they are creating. Take a look at these inspiring stewardship stories—and share your own! Together, our stories can fuel the movement for all people to thrive together, with no exceptions.

Imagine Fox Cities: Creating a Community Where Everyone Belongs

Stewards in Fox Cities, WI, are working to create an inclusive community where everyone can thrive. Find out how in this multimedia narrative.

The Stewardship Mindset

Hear from Lisa Gentz of Community Mental Health and 5 Healthy Towns in Michigan who illustrates how partnering with others in stewardship will increase thriving in communities.

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Stewards at Every Level

Hear from Erin Morton of Thomas Jefferson University Hospitals who discusses the importance of leadership buy-in and effective goal setting to improve community health.

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Combatting Inequity

Hear from Somava Saha of the WIN Network who underscores the necessity of addressing systemic inequities to ensure stewardship and its benefits are accessible to all people, in all places.

Watch >

The Journey of Stewardship

Listen to the perspectives of those who answered the call.

Reflect on Your Stewardship Journey

Share your story and inspire others.

Stewardship is calling — how are you answering the call? Share your thoughts below! #StewardsRising #ReThinkStewardship
Being a steward is a lifelong journey and having the guidance of others to rely on helps greatly. What are your lessons learned as a steward? Share your thoughts below! #StewardsRising #ReThinkStewardship
Everyone has a reason for becoming a steward. What was your defining moment or catalyst? Share your thoughts below! #StewardsRising #ReThinkStewardship
Whether we realize it or not, we can all be stewards! In what unique way do you OR can you promote stewardship? Share your thoughts below! #StewardsRising #ReThinkStewardship
Stewardship can be expressed in many different ways. What do you think it means to be a steward?   Share your thoughts below! #StewardsRising #ReThinkStewardship

Join the movement to thrive together.


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