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Shared Stewardship

A woman is getting her hair dyed in a salon.
A young boy sitting on the floor with a tablet computer.
A woman and her son riding on a toy car.
A nurse helping an elderly woman out of a car.

How do we unlock the full potential of all people everywhere to thrive and experience optimal well-being?

That question is central to The Rippel Foundation’s work. The answer is complex and continually evolving, but one thing will always be true: stewards play a leading role in bringing that vision to life.

A woman is getting her hair dyed in a salon.
A young boy sitting on the floor with a tablet computer.
A woman and her son riding on a toy car.
A nurse helping an elderly woman out of a car.

How do stewards create change?

Creating a future where everyone thrives requires much more than isolated programs, policies or reactive measures like urgent services. It requires a fundamental reorganizing of the systems that we rely on every day—bridging social, cultural, and institutional boundaries.

Stewards work on the front lines, actively building consensus and encouraging the cross-sector collaboration necessary to create lasting change. Ultimately, no individual or institution alone can create the kind of change necessary to support everyone’s ability to thrive. That is why shared stewardship is the key to progress.

Stewards Begin by Changing Attitudes and Beliefs

A family is running in a park with a city in the background.
A group of children are planting plants in a garden.
A group of business people smiling around a table.
A group of people looking at a laptop.
A group of people holding hands on a couch.

System change doesn’t begin with shifting policies and investment practices. The first step in effective system change is shifting mindsets and changing mental models. The policies and practices of any health system are based on certain deeply held beliefs and assumptions about how to best improve health and well-being.

For instance, many communities deal with chronic health and wellness issues by continually investing in more urgent services, like emergency medical clinics and homeless shelters. Stewards help decision makers in these communities see how increasing investments that improve the vital conditions for health and well-being can reduce residents’ demand for and reliance on urgent services. Examples may include improving access to quality food, expanding public transportation to increase economic mobility and access to health care, or instituting programs that promote affordable housing.

In this way, stewards begin by helping people examine their implicit assumptions about health, well-being, and the systems they rely on. Through this process, people discover how these patterns of thought help to perpetuate systems that produce inequitable outcomes and fail to give people the tools and resources they need to thrive.

A family is running in a park with a city in the background.
A group of children are planting plants in a garden.
A group of business people smiling around a table.
A group of people looking at a laptop.
A group of people holding hands on a couch.

Stewardship Is a Constantly
Evolving Practice

Stewardship is never a simple, one-size-fits-all process. It requires approaching every situation with an open mind and a willingness to discover new ways to overcome barriers to system change. It is often hard work, but the outcome of effective shared stewardship can be utterly transformative.

The best part is that anyone can become a steward. All it takes is a commitment to helping create more equitable systems that support thriving for all people.

A group of business people walking in front of a blue network.

Explore More Resources

Podcasts, Videos, and Webinars

Stories and Profiles

  • Rippel’s Unsung Stewards podcast series spotlights and celebrates individual stewards—people who are dedicated to working with others to create the conditions that everyone needs to thrive. Listen to it here!
  • Explore Stewards Rising, Rippel’s storytelling platform that centers and celebrates the journeys of stewards from all walks of life and the impact they are creating in their communities.


  • Read Rippel’s article in The Fulcrum, Everyone Can Be a Steward.
  • This Health Affairs paper, Shared Stewardship: Who is Willing to Invest Among Those With the Most to Gain?, co-authored by Rippel, explores how equitable systems change requires changing what we fund and how we fund, guided by stewardship values, priorities, and practices.
  • Read this Yes! Magazine article spotlighting system stewards who are working to improve Americans’ well-being by tackling the deeper causes of disease and despair.
  • Read Bobby Milstein’s article, Want to Help Communities Thrive? Invest in Residents Eager to Disrupt the Status Quo., in The Chronicle of Philanthropy.

Reports and Publications